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Version: 0.0.21-beta

Sliding Window Counter Approximate


  • Parameters: maxRequests, windowSize.


  • Utilizes current and previous window counts with a weighting system based on time elapsed in the current window.
  • Offers a balance between accuracy and efficiency, smoothing out traffic spikes with minimal memory usage.
  • Suitable for use cases where an exact count is less critical.

Approximate Sliding Window Counter

Example: windowSize = 1 min, requestLimit = 7

  • T0 (01:00:00): Window starts, 0 requests counted.
  • T1 (01:01:10): Previous window had 5 requests, current window has 2.
  • T2 (01:01:15): New request evaluated with weighted count: 2 (current) + 5 * 0.75 (previous weighted) = 5.75, rounded down to 5, request allowed.
  • T3 (01:02:00): Window resets, counting starts afresh for the new minute.

How to use

When creating your API, you can use the RateLimitFactory to create a leaking bucket rate limit.

.rateLimit(RateLimitFactory.customSlidingWindowCounterApproximate(4, Duration.ofSeconds(1)))
.path(RouteMethod.GET, "/", controller::handler))


The RateLimitFactory provides a default and a custom method for this rate limiter.

See more in our blog post about Rate Limiters