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Version: 0.0.21-beta

GitHub Packages

To use minimalist-java in your Maven project, follow the steps below:

1. Authenticate with GitHub Packages

Before you can use or install packages from the GitHub Package Registry, you need to authenticate. GitHub Packages only supports authentication via the personal access token at this time.

Add the following to your ~/.m2/settings.xml:



Replace YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME with your GitHub username and YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN with a personal access token that has the read:packages scope (also ensure you have the repo and write:packages scopes if you plan to publish packages).

2. Add the Repository

In your project's pom.xml, add the following repository:



Replace OWNER with the repository owner's username and REPO with the name of the repository.

3. Add the Dependency

Next, you can add the dependency to your project:



REPLACE MODULE with the desired module name. Replace LATEST_VERSION with the desired version of the library.